Sunday, July 16, 2006

I'm STUCK :(

For crap's sake and I HATE it.

So, I'm writing a proposal for my agent, right? Five chapters and an outline of ze proposed book.

No big thang you say, yes?

Oy and Vay. It's killing me. LOLLOL. Here's the thing. I'm a pantzer. I write as I go. I don't know what's going to happen after chapter five. I didn't know what would happen in chapter two until I wrote it.

I have amassed 30k thus far. I need another 60k to complete the book. I wrote the proposal up to chapter five, but again I say, chapter five is WRITTEN. I can outline all the details for that. I don't have chapter six through 9 gozillion yet. I can't outline what I don't have.

I hate that I don't plot shit out before I write it. I just write it. I get a crazy title in my head and I go. However, the joy of just writing a proposal is this--you don't have to finish the book if no one wants it, right? Or you can shorten it to fit an e-pub yadda, yadda, yadda. But for some reason, I can't seem to just do that.

Frankly, that sucks big, fat weenies.

I know what I think might want to happen, but the outline still won't be as detailed as the first five chapters outlined are.

See my rock and my hard place here?


DC :)


  • At 1:12 AM, Blogger Michelle B said…

    I have faith in you DC! Sorry you're having such a hard time. Wishing you lots o' inspiration:)

  • At 6:36 AM, Blogger Isabella Jordan said…

    I would be in the same boat (as if I'd get to that point MUAHAHAHA) being a pantzer myself. However, you CAN do this. They will want it, they will love it. You will fantastic!

  • At 10:16 PM, Blogger Jo said…

    i'm excited to read it already.... i don't care what its called or what its about.... its ganna be good... haha.... i have an idea for names though... haha..... good luck on the book... i have to go clean a litter box now....

  • At 9:30 AM, Blogger Dakota Cassidy said…

    LOL--thanks, Kink and everyone else. I'll figure it out somewhere along the way. LOL

    DC :)

  • At 5:54 PM, Blogger Jaci Burton said…

    Ah yes...welcome to the hell that is the synopsis *g*. You must suffer as we all do. bwahahahahahahahaha.

    They truly suck, don't they? And I'm a plotter. Still doesn't make it any easier.

    That being said, even for a non plotter it can be done. You just have to imagine the story from start to finish and write your outline as you imagine it, even if you know when you write the book it will change. The idea is to provide the synopsis as a selling point. But really it's your kickass chapters that will sell the book babe. Don't overthink it and try to relax. :-)

  • At 4:54 PM, Blogger Dakota Cassidy said…

    Aw, thanks, Jaci and Paige. Well, let's hope the chapters rock enough. I might just have to write stay tuned for ther next 20 or so. LOL

    DC :)


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